Sunday, November 23, 2014

Been a while

It's been a while since I last posted. I had got sick for a little while so progress has been slow going. I am starting to run out of time. I have been having issues with my 4 other trees.. I decided against using a spiral and will do matrix style mini tree. I will have more options when sequencing.

I took the spiral cage and used 1/2" hardware cloth and cut them in strips. I used 50 pixels and the pixels fit great in the 1/2" hole.

Now the stars that I have I attached to the top using zip ties and eye hooks. I had wiring issues being different than the pixels so I had to open the stars and rewire them. Well my first round I had issues using butt connectors. I tried to go the easy cheap way that ended up causing problems. So I had to open them back up and solder them with some extensions.

Well after running some tests after redoing all the stars, I ran into more problems which seemed to be power issues. Bad data was being sent past the stars. Now I am at a loss and am frustrated. After some thinking I decided to take the LEDs in the stars and put in my own LEDs. It won't be as bright but I will be able to use multiple colors in the star.

I got two of them done tonight and have two more to do and then I have to zip type them to the trees. In the end it will look like this.

Hope to have them done before Thursday and I hope to have them on the lawn Thursday morning and figure out where to put my Technicolor C9 pixels. I hope to have everything done and running next weekend. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween over time for Christmas

Now that Halloween is over, it's time to continue on to more of a Christmas atmosphere.. Hallmark channel has started 24hr a day Christmas shows and I need to finish up my other lights and start to get them in place.. Today I removed my trees and matrix so I can do one final lawn mow for the year. Thankfully that is all done. 

I am now putting the bulb covers on my technicolor strings. I was doing them the wrong way before which hurt my hands. How they go together is with a plastic coupler but it didn't work so well by just screwing it together.

So I kinda learned that if I heat up the coupler that it will losen the plastic enough that it goes right on and then it hardens as it cools.

And now I just have 299 more to do. Much easier than how I was trying to do this earlier.

After these are done then I need to finish my mini-trees. The ones I have already done may get redone as well because I like how another person did something similar and I may replicate that.