I took the spiral cage and used 1/2" hardware cloth and cut them in strips. I used 50 pixels and the pixels fit great in the 1/2" hole.
Now the stars that I have I attached to the top using zip ties and eye hooks. I had wiring issues being different than the pixels so I had to open the stars and rewire them. Well my first round I had issues using butt connectors. I tried to go the easy cheap way that ended up causing problems. So I had to open them back up and solder them with some extensions.
Well after running some tests after redoing all the stars, I ran into more problems which seemed to be power issues. Bad data was being sent past the stars. Now I am at a loss and am frustrated. After some thinking I decided to take the LEDs in the stars and put in my own LEDs. It won't be as bright but I will be able to use multiple colors in the star.
I got two of them done tonight and have two more to do and then I have to zip type them to the trees. In the end it will look like this.
Hope to have them done before Thursday and I hope to have them on the lawn Thursday morning and figure out where to put my Technicolor C9 pixels. I hope to have everything done and running next weekend.
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